Quotes in Tamil

சிருஷ்டிகளை எவ்வளவுக்கு அதிகமாய் நேசிப்போமோ அவ்வளவுக்கும் சர்வேஸ்வரனை அற்பமாய் நேசிப்போம்

- அர்ச். பிலிப்புநேரி

"சிருஷ்டிகளில் நின்று உங்களிருதயத்தை யகற்றி, கடவுளைத் தேடுங்கள். அப்போது அவரைக் காண்பீர்கள்

- அர்ச். தெரேசம்மாள் -

சர்வேஸ்வரனுக்குச் சொந்தமாயிராத அற்ப நரம்பிழை முதலாய் என்னிருதயத்தில் இருப்பதாகக் கண்டால் உடனே அதை அறுத்து எறிந்து போடுவேன்

- அர்ச். பிராஞ்சீஸ்கு சலேசியார்

வெள்ளி, 14 ஜூன், 2024




What we wish above all to make clear is that the Holy Ghost does not only give His wonderful help to Apostles, to martyrs, to missionaries, but to all Christians without exception, if only they ask Him as they should. This many fail to do with the saddest consequences.

The happiness of our lives depends on choosing the proper state in life. If we follow the vocation God wishes us to follow, we have a guarantee of success. God gives us graces for every step of the road He has marked out for us. These graces we do not receive if we choose a manner of life different from what God has chosen for us. How are we to know what He wills us to do? Simply by praying earnestly to the Holy Ghost for light and guidance.

This applies very especially to girls and boys when beginning life. If a boy, called on by God to become a priest, or a girl to become a nun, choose instead a secular life, they cannot expect God's help on the wrong way they are following. One reason why so many marriages are unhappy is that boys and girls, never intended by God to marry, blindly follow their own caprice and choose the married state.

Boys and girls should earnestly ask God to manifest to them His Holy Will in this most important step of their lives. They should know if they ought to marry or not. They must ask God also, in case He wishes them to marry, to help them choose the proper partner, for this also is a frequent cause of unhappy marriages, viz., marrying the wrong person.

Parents have the greatest responsibility in the education of their children. They are to blame countless times for the faults and unhappiness of their boys and girls, and many times for the loss of their children's souls.

Once more, the reason is that parents do not think of asking the Holy Ghost to enlighten them in this grave responsibility.

Businessmen frequently embark on serious enterprises never dreaming of or seeking the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Hence, so many failures.

The following incident, one of the many we might quote, shows how true this is.

Two merchants in the city of Lyons, engaged in the same line of business, had their establishments on the same street.

Both worked hard, both were shrewd businessmen, but whereas one prospered, the other lost heavily.

This latter, confiding in his more prosperous rival, explained his difficulties and asked his advice.

"My dear friend," was the reply, "you are fully as clever and keen as I am, and it seems to me that you work even harder. I attribute all my success to the fact that I hear Mass daily and ask for the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Do the same and you will succeed."

Surprised and disappointed at this answer, the less fortunate merchant returned to his home and related the fact to his wife. She gave him the sage advice to follow his friend's counsel. This he did, with the happiest results.

Professional men in every branch of life succeed marvellously in their various callings if they pray earnestly to the Holy Ghost.

Eminent doctors hear Mass and receive Holy Communion before performing important operations. This they do to ask God's help.

The ablest statesmen attribute their success to the guidance of the Holy Ghost, whose help they invoke.

St. Louis, King of France, who labored perhaps more strenuously than any man in his kingdom and who was one of the best and most glorious sovereigns who ever ruled over France, found time to hear two or three Masses every day.

Some of the courtiers suggested that he was overtaxing himself with so many Masses. The King replied: "You forget, my good friends, that by hearing Mass I confer the most important  benefits on my Kingdom, many more than I could possibly do in any other way."

Salazar, the Prime Minister of Portugal, who has done prodigies in the uplifting of his country, is a devout Catholic and places his trust in God's help.

General Franco, who has not only saved Spain from the gravest crisis in her history but who has helped to save Europe from ruin, is known to spend long hours of the night praying before the Blessed Sacrament when faced with grave difficulties.

Mr. de Valera, the Irish Premier, hears Mass and receives Holy Communion daily. He too is a distinguished statesman and has succeeded in doing great things for his country.

The bravest and most successful generals have had recourse to God for help and light to gain their victories.

At Valverde, the celebrated Portuguese general one of the greatest of his day-Nuno Alvares Pereira, was trapped and surrounded by immensely superior forces of the enemy, who while holding him on lower ground, occupied the vantage points on surrounding hills. All seemed irremediably lost. Advance meant death, retreat was impossible, surrender, he would not think of.

In the midst of the battle, when the contest was fiercest, the Portuguese commander fell on his knees. In answer to the cries of his captains who conjured him to get up and save them, he calmly replied:

"My friends, let me finish my prayers." Then, rising as a man inspired, imbued with a new vigor and courage, he leaped on his horse, shouted his battle cry, and pointing to the very center of the enemy lines, he led the attack. Small in stature but herculean in strength, he hewed down with his own hands the leaders of the enemy. The conflict was rude, but the battle was won.

This great general heard three Masses every day and obliged his men to hear one, and this, even during his constant campaigns, for he had ever care to have priests with. his army.

The famous general and hero, Simon de Montfort, with only eight hundred horse soldiers and very few foot soldiers, was unexpectedly surrounded in the town of Muret by an enemy army of 40,000 men, led by the King of Aragon and Raymond, the Count of Toulouse. He sought help from God and was hearing Mass when his officers came to announce that the besieging army was marching to attack the town.

"Let me finish the Mass first," he replied, "and then I will be with you."

Full of trust, he ordered the gates to be flung open, and he charged right at the heart of the approaching army, threw it into utter disorder, struck down the King of Aragon himself, and won a glorious victory.

Emperor Lothaire heard three Masses every day, even when he was on the battlefield with his troops.

A notable case in modern times was that of the French Marshal Foch, who heard Mass every morning, even when the fighting was fiercest.

On one occasion, when the Prime Minister went to consult him on a matter of grave military importance, he was informed that the Marshal was hearing Mass. The aide-de-camp suggested calling him. "No, no," replied the Prime Minister, "we must not disturb him in his devotions. I will wait."

As we have already said, it is by prayer, by receiving the Sacraments and by hearing Holy Mass that we receive the graces and blessings of the Holy Ghost, His light, His guidance and His help.

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